Swing into Spring FUN-draising Scramble - Registration

Swing into Spring FUN-draising Scramble

Registration can be made by the team (2 - 4 players) or individually if you would like to be paired up with a team in need.  We want to see some creative team names and outfits showing up for this event.  Not feeling so creative?  A boring old first and last name from whomever signs your team up along with mono tone clothing will suffice, just this once ;-)

All participants must be paid at time of registration.  Please CLICK HERE to pay and confirm your team or individual registration online or call 250-229-5655 to process payment over the phone.

Registration Open Date:  April 04, 2024,  12:00 AM
Registration Deadline:  May 06, 2024,  11:59 PM

Tournament registration has now been closed.